Project for my Animation 2: Experiments class
Our assignment was to create a physical animation by replacing the objects in order to create movement. We were also tasked with having three different types of materials used for the animation.
I love reptiles and watching people build bio-active homes for them, so I decided to make an animation to show my love for these animals. It was a fun process to think about objects as sources of possible animation. I used buttons, marbles, books, acrylic paint, matte spray paint, mixed-media paper, and other physical materials to create this project.

Final film

Music in Garageband and Foley both made by me

Wooden block shots

Snake book shots

Frog life cycle on marbles shot

Title sequence

Credit sequence

Background setup with mixed materials

Massart spray booth

Outline of the spray painted buttons

Waiting for the paint to dry

Wood scraps taken from Architect floor

Close up of Leopard Gecko

Video showing the wait for the paint to dry


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