Project for Animation 3: Communication
For this project I decided to make a transformation sequence. I have always enjoyed the magical girl genre, so I wanted to try one for myself! While I could not finish to where I would have liked, my process had allowed me to understand more about the capabilities of ToonBoom Harmony.
This film was also created using found sound based off songs and effects people had uploaded online. To see these sources, they are listed at the bottom of the page.
I enjoyed the character-making process and trying to understand the outfits and appeal of character design. It was also important for me to try to get a solid silhouette for Imani, as the famous characters we know today can be recognized even when fully covered in black. I incorporated more round shapes in Imani's magical girl form, as I believe the bubbly and friendly shape makes her appeal as a main character and someone ready to save the world!

Latest film update

Rough sketch animation

First WIP draft

Character design with possible color palette 

Sketchbook storyboard and end credits concept 

Music: [ Track Name ] by | e s c p | 
Chimes by fmceretta -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
Synth pad whoosh build up pitch up reverb.wav by ryusa -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
Magic spell buff bell sparkle reverb.wav by ryusa -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
achievement-sparkle by pigeonfriend -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
Wink.aif by bennychico11 -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
Single High Five by faithechetty -- -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
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