Project for Animation 2: Experiments class
Final animation for this class! We were tasked with making a film portrait about a person or place, so I made my film about my long-distance relationship with my boyfriend.
The techniques I used were done with physical media. The only digital element is the hologram of the Pepper's Ghost illusion done with a plane of glass, in which I projected the hand-drawn animation I captured to give the effect of a computer monitor. The other media I used were ink, watercolor, mixed media paper, cardboard, index cards, acrylic ink, and velvet.
Final film with Pepper's ghost illusion
Final film without Pepper's Ghost illusion
I captured the shooting process of the illusion where my iPad projects footage down into the glass plane that then reflects it to the viewer.

Working on the cardboard keyboard

Cutting out all the pieces, which gets painful after a while

Working on the watercolor background of my boyfriend's room

Title of the film

My name

End sequence dedicated to my boyfriend Sebastien (Sea)

Working on shooting the film

Storyboard concept for Long Distance