Project for Animation 2: Experiments class
Our task for this assignment was to animate a poem. In this case, I decided to use my favorite poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost.
My process for this film was using paper from a thrifted Bible to work off the theme I believe has religious context to Hell and our world ending. For this, I slightly burned the edges of the collected paper and used a light box to write the words individually with an acrylic marker . There was a total of two-hundred and thirty-seven pages used altogether.
For the background, I used a black screen and velvet to make the white of the paper stand out. The fire was created using construction paper and confetti, while the ice was made out of painted wooden blocks and a mixture of baking soda with shaving cream for the snow. A plastic transparent sheet was used for the snow to avoid it ruining the velvet. The rose was made out of construction paper and glue, while the mini candle was bought at a store. The object holding up the paper was a popsicle structure painted black.
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